The Law Office of Lucinda Lee is a law firm specializing in legacy planning: estate planning, trust and probate law for individuals, their families, their family businesses, and their philanthropic entities.

Letters Of Wishes

Personalizing Your Wishes

Lucy encourages clients to write their own “Letters Of Wishes” to family members to personalize their thoughts and wishes for the beneficial uses of her clients’ legacy. Lucy also encourages clients to write similar letters with detailed directions on end-of-life guidelines to supplement legal documents.

Sample Letter Of Wishes 3

Advance Healthcare Directive Guiding Principles and Beliefs

I want to live, so if my life is severely threatened by a medical condition and if I am unable to make decisions for myself, then I wish to pursue the ten-point specific solution process detailed here:

I believe God moves in mysterious ways and a prognosis of doom often proves to be incorrect.

I do not believe that any single doctor or medical facility is necessarily capable of providing the only solution. I believe that, while competence and caring certainly exists, much of the medical establishment is arrogant, secretive, self-protective and of limited perspective, rendering them less than competent.

I believe that anything you want to have happen you have to help make happen, including finding and marshaling resources and never taking “no” or “I can’t” or "It can’t be done” as a satisfactory response. This is especially appropriate in respecting the gift of life.

The purpose of this specific solution process is to restore me back to reasonable health - use of sufficient mental and physical facilities, free from severe chronic pain. If that cannot be achieved, then the solution process should be considered to have been unsuccessful and, at the conclusion of the full process, I should be allowed to naturally expire in a hospice environment.

During all this time, my [husband/wife] should feel free and morally unburdened to go on with [his/her] own life, including moving on geographically and romantically, as long as my [husband/wife] either remains committed and responsible for managing the full solution process of my successor Agent who can so act.